Both of them sawing logs.
He'd told me earlier that he was scared (forty-five minutes into what I'd thought was the tenth ploy to stay up a little later). I hugged him and offered a brief prayer of comfort, but my heart wasn't into it.
My heart was already lusting for the warm bubble bath and pint of Ben and Jerry's that was waiting.
We moms get so weary by the end of the day that it's easy to miss a sincere need in the mine field of wants we navigate daily.
But my son had a need and he figured out a way to get it taken care of. All he needed was a warm body mere inches away to feel safe. Didn't matter that it was the brother he'd threatened to knock the eye teeth out of the day before.
When we have a need, do we go to the One who knows us so well? The One who hears our intimate thoughts?
He is comfort without measure, a mere breath away.
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