Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In God's Care

God is amazing. There are always challenges on this journey—childrearing issues, marital hiccups and the mudslides and avalanches that life always seems to send careening toward us.

But God is there, immovable, available, always wanting to help.

And I’ve been wading through a couple of those mud slides, but making a choice to be intentional about spending time with God through out it. In all honesty, it’s probably those things that drove me to the foot of the cross.

As I told God how much I appreciate him—the joy he gives me despite the glare I’m receiving from a sullen child (that is a miracle, don’t ya think?), and the stress of “re-entry” after a business trip with my husband (okay, it was Naples, FL so I can’t complain too much)—I got a picture in my mind.

It was a picture of dad resting his hand on the top of his young daughter’s head. At first, I thought, “Oh, that’s a lovely picture of God always being with me.” But the picture remained, so I moved in closer.

The purpose of the picture wasn’t so I’d see that God’s presence always with me, but rather to feel what was in the girl’s heart.

She felt completely protected and relaxed because Someone with all the authority in the world was in control and would guide her every step.

He’s a God who answers our dreams, meets our desires and provides beyond our needs.

He is a God of plenty.

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